Tuesday, October 5, 2010

bobby w 2010 8

  1. What is a coral reef- millions of tiny organisms
  2. Where are coral reefs-south pacific
  3. What is one way it is useful-medicine
  4. Are reefs in danger-yes
  5. Why are they in danger-ocean warming
  6. How can we help-stop over fishing
  7. 60 million years reefs have been around.
  8. Great barrier reef is the largest in the world.
  9. Dirt from highlands can sink down the river to the top of a reef and become a blanket.
  10. The father down a reef you go is kind of like going back in time.
  11. Reef's that are close to land are in danger.
  12. Every animal in a ecosystem is important ,that rule aplies for reef ecosystemes to.
  13. But the most important animal in that ecosystem is a mamual ,and that mamual is you and I

1 comment:

  1. You sure do know what a coral reef is. But do you think we should stop fishing more so the coral reefs could still be colorful and helpful. So we can probably find cure for things.
