Now we're working in FLASH again. One thing that's hard for me when it comes to FLASH is when I create a button or anything sometimes it doesn't come out right. Or maybe sometimes it doesn't come out at all. And it gets frustrating when you follow all of the directions correctly, over and over again, and it still doesn't come out right. I think that if the teacher did it first maybe it will be a little better because then the class can actually see how it's done. I think it's important to remember the coding process in FLASH because that's how most of it works. And if you don't remember the coding process then whatever you're doing will not turn out right.and you will have to start all over. If I listen carefully I can understand how it's done and I will become a FLASH EXPERT because i will have a under standing about what im doing and when i have a under standing i can be producktive and get my work done . When we are working in class the distractions make it really hard to do my job. I can get really easily distracted by almost anything. and when that heppen's it is hard to regain my focus.I think that we should save the questions until the end of the discussion. Because if we have questions during the discussion then we will all have other questions and not get any further into the lesson. I think that the videos we watch that Globaloria made are helpful because they show us what to do and it makes it easier for us. I think I can help myself to understand FLASH alittel better by listening and paying attention. That way I will know what to do and how it's done.I think that FLASH will help me a lot in the future because then it will be easier to make our game and maybe we might have a chance to go to D.C.! And that will be exiting.