sens yesterday now i know that people do read my blog so i feel more confident about blog. so thank you and she made it easy to chose a topic for on my myglife and she is a good person to look up to i know i do.
the dallas cowboy's will when the game on the day of thank's giving it means they will go to the playoffs. the hole family will be there to cheer them on
"Texas Daycares - Glyndah J Holmes" this is my mom and i look up to her because no matter what the satiation is she is always there for me unless i did not tell her but that is another story and she always was possetive about the satiation even if we were helpless and that is why i look up to my mom.
This 6 weeks i learned about some gadgets that you can use to make commands for your animations project. I know i am behind but that dose not stop me from learning. Because that is the most important part, not to be cot up. But to have the knowledge that is the key